Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Oliver and I went to our First Movie together! Winnie the Pooh. It was a wonderful story, fun, well animated, and gave you warm fuzzies. That was my take.

Olivers take: wow previews are really cool and I love sitting in this chair. Movies starting, i'm hungry like pooh, I think I'll have goldfish crackers, fruit snacks, 2 cups of mandarin oranges, a box of raisins, lots of water, Oh this is fun, I love the way the seats go up and down, Look daddy, I can touch the people that sat in front of us (that'll teach them), It's fun walking down this aisle, Funny Tigger!, I'll throw my nahnie on the floor and then pick up and then suck on it, then throw it down the chairs in front and make a fuss so daddy has to crawl around and go get it, I'm still hungry, Oh look we are moving up a row! this is great! I love movies! Muwahahaha

Me: maybe we'll go again when Pooh 14 comes out.

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