Friday, July 29, 2011


Kirsten, Oliver and I went to the Farmington carnival wednesday night. We ate hotdogs, got to put out fake fires with a real fire house, henna tattoos, ice cream cones, snow cones, dance demonstations, live music and beautiful weather.

Then when we got home we had a little celebration! I got a Best Buy gift card and Oliver got a microphone and karaoke CD and a puzzle that makes animal noises when you put the pieces in!

WE loved them. Thank you Karen and Karl. We finished the evening with Ollie in bed, watching LOST!, and eating yummy WW keylime pie! YUM!


Speaking of the puzzles, sometimes I get mad at myself for getting frustrated with Oliver because he can't put the puzzle pieces in right. I'm like, come on kid, how hard can it be? Match the picture on the piece with the exact picture on the puzzle. Then put it back in the same way.. I don't understand the whole trying to put the piece in sidways thing.. the picture/shape doesn't match so why try? And you took it out, so you obviously know how it works! ARGH!

And then I realize he's TWO, and learning everything for the first time, and best yet, he keeps trying different things when he can't figure it out! Patience, Perserverance, troubleshooting, creativity.. He's learning all these things when he places the Tiger sideways on the Lion.

So what the hell do I have to be upset about anyways!? I guess I have something to learn from him.. Besides, It's a Liger, it's pretty much my favorite animal.

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