Tuesday, June 16, 2009


The baby is on his way, anytime say, in the next 2-3 weeks. It is wierd trying to go on with life knowing that at any moment it will change forever. Everytime I have to date something, a little voice in my head yells,"Holy Crap! We've only got like 2 weeks left!". Luckily for me I worked super hard this weekend and got everything cleaned, put away, and installed. Then I promptly got Diverticulitis, which is incredibly painful. I'd put it up there with kidney stones, which as fate would have it, I have also had. So, I'm sitting here drugged up with pain killers and pumping myself full of antibiotics -2 kinds!, thinking Please God, keep my baby boy in his mother just a few days longer.
Other than that, I'm great and can't wait to meet my son.

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