Monday, December 28, 2009

1st Christmas

Oliver had a great time at Christmas. He got a cool play cube, some toys to hold, and a really cool bouncer. He's been really active of late and it is neat to see how he has changed.

We have the mom's side of the family Christmas celebration on new years day so he's looking forward to more cool stuff.

Monday, June 29, 2009


So I was hoping to have the baby on friday as all the MD's pointed to, but it was not to be. It's all good though as I was able to have a delightful weekend with my wife and friends.
Tommorow night ripening, wednesday morning induction! Have I gotten enough sleep?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


The baby is on his way, anytime say, in the next 2-3 weeks. It is wierd trying to go on with life knowing that at any moment it will change forever. Everytime I have to date something, a little voice in my head yells,"Holy Crap! We've only got like 2 weeks left!". Luckily for me I worked super hard this weekend and got everything cleaned, put away, and installed. Then I promptly got Diverticulitis, which is incredibly painful. I'd put it up there with kidney stones, which as fate would have it, I have also had. So, I'm sitting here drugged up with pain killers and pumping myself full of antibiotics -2 kinds!, thinking Please God, keep my baby boy in his mother just a few days longer.
Other than that, I'm great and can't wait to meet my son.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

What a baby needs

So, I hear over and over again how new parents buy all this riduculous stuff for their newborn, while experienced parents say "ah, all ya need are diapers, wipes, bottles and a place for the kid to sleep". I realize this, I really do. But have you walked into Babies R Us or Target baby section? You are suddenly overcome with " my baby needs a bottle warmer or else he won't eat, we need to have this mat to have him excersice, we need to have 3 strollers and 2 car sets, and shades to block the light, and this and that." "Safety first, nothing is too good for my son" " If I get this, he'll grow up to be a well adjusted successful adult". Crazy thoughts I know, but no matter how hard I try and just get what is needed when we head out on our big shopping trip today, I know we'll be coming home with all sorts of stuff he'll never use or care about.
But hey, at least I can feel that I did everything I could to prepare him for life after college.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A father's journey

Hi. I'm excited to start posting about my journey as a father, and that journey starts SOON.